Friday 8 February 2013

Unknown (Stranger #9/100), London Brick Lane

Via Flickr:
So, just nine shots into the 100 and I have broken one of the rules I made myself and forgot to ask a stranger's name. I did share my Moo card with the fantastic girl in the shot above, so if you're her and are reading this - I'm sorry! Please drop me a note so I can correct it!

I saw her sitting on the pavement with a friend, and really liked the bold look and spectacles. I explained the 100 Strangers Project, and she was happy to join in. We walked twenty yards or so to get some street art for the backdrop, then fired off a few shots with xtarsy kindly assisting with a 110cm gold reflector.

It was plain just through the viewfinder that the reflector was lighting up more of her glasses than I thought wise, so we tried a few with her glasses back on her head too. Although those shots are sharper and feel technically better, I went for the imperfectly focused, reflection blurred glasses shot for the main posting nonetheless. It just feels right - she had tonnes of charisma, and it's better expressed somehow in the first one.

I guess I need to throw a polarizer in my kit bag for glasses in the future. Anymore tips on shooting portraits of subjects with glasses would be welcome!

Anyway - once we'd shot, we all had a look at the pictures on the LCD. Stranger and friends all liked the shots and whooped and wowed a lot. Magic!

Thank you for being Stranger #9 in my project - and I'd love to hear from you if you wanted to add your name! Sorry I forgot to ask!

Have a great weekend everyone.