Wednesday 10 November 2010

Golden Fleece, Dorset

Golden Fleece, Dorset, originally uploaded by flatworldsedge.

Just back from a weekend in Dorset at my Grandfather's, and this is the first image to be ready. It cost me a set of sunset pictures over Kimmeridge, but the sight of these sheep under the falling sun demanded a stop and leaping of stile.

They're at the foot of the hill near Steeple, and behind those hills is the Jurassic Coast and all manner of wonder, such as taken the following evening.

Stands out viewed on black. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

Update: Explored #106. Many thanks to everyone who has commented, fav'ed and viewed. I massively appreciate the attention and insights offered. Thanks to all! Well worth missing Kimmeridge on this occasion.

See Golden Fleece, Dorset on Flickr.